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myMed is either i) a SDK to build social network applications running on iOS and Android mobile device but also on a Web browser; ii) a Cloud of 50 PCs quad core Intel 1+1 TB HD (RAID virtualisation to improve resilience and redundancy), Hewlett Packard 400, installed in the Alcotra European Interregion, Municipalities, Consulates, Associations,
Chambers of Commerce, etc. each of one usable, in a completely secure way, either as a simple PC, with usual built-in open source tools like Firefox, Open Office, etc, but also as a Apache Cassandra noSQL node to store the data of all the myMed applications; iii) a myMed Ubuntu Edition, customisation of the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, allowing to easily install and keep for free, under request, one the 50 PCs in the Alcotra Euro-region [Italy : Région Autonome Vallée d’Aoste, Provinces de Turin et Cuneo (Région Piémont), Province d’Imperia (Région Ligurie). France : Départements de Haute-Savoie et Savoie (Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) et Départements des Hautes-Alpes, Alpes de Haute-Provence et Alpes-Maritimes (Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)] and use it both as an ordinary PC (often installed in the entrance hall or in offices, but also as a noSQL Cassandra node, and finally iv) a dozens of mobile (Android and iOS) and Web myMed applications, whose specifications where democratically designed with the help of the potential real customers. As examples of implemented experimental apps: 1) myConsolato, written with the Italian Consulate of Nice M. Luciano Barillaro, 2) myEurope, written with M. Gaston Franco deputy UMP, 3) myBenevolat, written with the Association Nice Benevolat in Nice, 4) myRiviera, written with the CARF, Communauté Agglomeration Riviera Française de Menton, 5) myEurocin, written with the Chambres de commerce de Nice-Cuneo-Imperia-GEIE Eurocin, 6) myStudent, written with colleagues of University of Nice and Politecnico di Torino participating to the programme, 7) myAlzhaimer, written by myself with the help of a patient suffering from the disease, 8) myCarPooling, written with the help of some Italians expats working in companies located in Sophia-Antipolis and directly inspired to my previous research on CarPal: a practical application of the Synapse overlay network implementation, 9) myFSA, written hands-in-hands with the Senateur Pierre Laffitte, Fondation Sophia Antipolis. To my knowledge, myMed was the first SDK to conceive, build and host Social Networks in a Time to Market considerably faster than other products [At that time the most performant competitor were Phonegap, now called Apache Cordova, that covered only the frontend part and not the hosting nor the data-base memorising datas, as myMed did].
The implementation languages employed were Java (30K lines), Javascript (2K lines), PhP (10K lines), some Perl, and Unix script. The number of lines of Objective-C for iOS mobile applications has not been counted. I was the PI of the UE project, the main inventor of the myMed framework, the only functional analyst to set up the use cases, but also of one the main designer (with L. Vanni and M. Casagrande) of the general SW and HW architecture and IHM. I also managed 20 Software Engineers (9 of them located in Sophia), in the whole consortium (INRIA, Politecnico of Turin, University of Turin, University of Alessandria). We used successfully the SCRUM methodology. In 2012, the Inria D2T et DDT Inria evaluated the myMed team and the myMed software. myMed is an Apache-V2.0 software. See also myMed in a nutshell.

Summarising impact. At the end of the project, almost all the PC’s were left to the sites they were installed: they worked in “dual mode” for day-life usage and for helping the experimentation of the myMed platform, built over the LogNet Inria Team researches. Some of them were still responding to a Linux "PING" in 2020. The large scale deployment and stress- testing fully validates our decentralised infrastructure; the “focus test” on a small group of persons using mobile and web applications give us precious informations about how improve bugs and IHM.


jSynapse is a scalable protocol for information retrieval over the inter-connection of heterogeneous overlay networks. Applications of top of Synapse see those intra-overlay networks as a unique inter-overlay network.  Scalability in Synapse is achieved via co-located nodes, \ie\ nodes that are part of multiple overlay networks at the same time. Co-located nodes, playing the role of neural synapses and connected to several overlay networks, give a larger search area and provide alternative routing. Synapse can either work with "open'' overlays adapting their protocol to synapse interconnection requirements, or with ``closed'' overlays that will not accept any change to their protocol. Built-in primitives to deal with social networking give an incentive for nodes cooperation. I played the role of functional analyst to set up some crucial part of the protocol, while L. Vanni had the role of Principal Software Engineer and V. Ciancaglini and B. Marinkovic had the role Software Engineers. jSynapse is an open-source GPL-3.0 software.


Snake is an interpreter of the imperative rho-calculus. Static and dynamic semantics are proved correct by help of the proof assistant Coq. Snake feature pointers, patterns and antipatterns, guards, expressions and antiexpressions, exceptions and the possibility to parametrize an evaluation according to a given pattern matching theory (associative, commutative, idempotent, etc). Snake syntax contains only non-alpha symbols, only ascii icones. Snake could be used to teach programming to childrens.

CarPal, is a proof-of-concept for a mobility sharing application that leverages a Distributed Hash Table to allow a community of people to spontaneously share trip information without the costs of a centralized structure.  The peer-to-peer architecture allows moreover the deployment on portable devices and opens new scenarios where trips and sharing requests can be updated in real time.  Using an original protocol already developed that allows to interconnect different overlays/communities, the success rate (number of shared rides) can be boosted up thus increasing the effectiveness of our solution. Simulations results are shown to give a possible estimate of such effectiveness. I played the role of functional analyst to set up some crucial part of the protocol, while L. Vanni and V. Ciancaglini had the role of Principal Software Engineer. CarPal is an open-source GPL-3.0 software.


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The first prototype implementation of the ETSI SmartM2M/oneM2M ACT Contact Tracing Protocol, as specified in the TS 103757 ETSI Standard. I am the main leader and instigator of this prototype, the main designer and software analyst of the ACT framework architecture, the writer of the types in JSON of the protocol, and case studies, while the role of Software Architects has been done mainly by A. Fadda Rodriguez, A. Maistre, and A. Di Dio, starting from a preliminary work of A.K. Khan. The prototype includes a mobile application, forked by a well-known open mobile app to detect the ACT Peripheral services, a web application, build from scratch to implement the ACT Display application and all the interfaces to link with the IoT platform, compliant to ETSI/oneM2M standard, kindly provided by Telecom Italia and Deutche Telecom at no cost. The figure on side-bottom, taken from CountLoc with input the zipped inria gitlab repository, shows the number of programming languages employed together with the total number of programmed code. ACT-framework is (by now) an open-source software.


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Bull is a prototype interactive theorem prover based on the Delta-Framework, i.e. a fully-typed Logical Framework à la Edinburgh LF decorated with union and intersection types. Bull also implements an original decidable subtyping algorithm. Bull has a command-line interface where the user can declare axioms, terms, and perform computations and some basic terminal-style features like error pretty-printing, subexpressions highlighting, and file loading. Moreover, it can typecheck a proof or normalize it. Further extensions will include adding a tactic language, code extraction, induction, and a typed process algebra useful to encode, in an easy way, semantic of synchronous languages à la Esterel or Lucid and to express logical time as a first-class object. The implementation languages employed were OCaml (3K lines) and Coq (1.5K lines), and some Unix script. I am the main inventor of the Bull Type Theory underneath the Bull Type checker, and I played the role of functional analyst to set up some crucial part of the type system and of the operational semantics, while the role of Principal Software Architect has been done by C. Stolze. Bull is an open-source GPL-3.0 software.


 Copyright Luigi Liquori and Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology)

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